Mechanics, Hardware and Software Integration

New Rotating Cloth Rack - Plan B

The first model of the Rotating Cloth Rack had many mechanical problems and wasn’t able to correctly perform it’s function. The cloth hangers installed in the chains got stuck in the corners to the point there was nothing left to do. Also, the chains tension was too strong and the motor could not make it move. Thankfully to the Risk Analysis, the Rotating Cloth Rack Plan B was put to action. The plan B consists in a circular shaped plastic structure. It was coupled on the motor with a piece of wood and glue. It is important to mention that the Plan B fits 6 T-shirts instead of 10, this is also specified in the risk analysis.

The plan B consists in a circular shaped plastic structure usually coupled on the motor with a piece of wood and super glue. It is important to mention that the Plan B fits 6 T-shirts instead of 10 (this is also specified in the risk analysis).


For the plastic structure we used a kitchen gas cylinder holder.



Then, we removed the wheels, added the hangers we've already make and the wood support, glued it to the motor and this is what we got.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-19 at 10.59.17(1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-19 at 10.59.17(2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-19 at 10.59.17.jpeg

This solution worked smoothly, as the video bellow.

WhatsApp Video 2022-05-15 at 19.56.36.mp4

Wardrobe Overview

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Fall Sensors

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Registration Area

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A picture taken by the camera
